Kat Von D pulls a Paris Hilton, walks off interview and then complains on Twitter

We heard yesterday that Kat Von D pulled a Paris Hilton and walked out of the studio of Good Day L.A. just prior to a scheduled interview promoting the new season of her reality show, L.A. Ink. Reports differ as to why Kat took offense, but it seems to be the fact that Kats planned

We heard yesterday that Kat Von D pulled a Paris Hilton and walked out of the studio of Good Day L.A. just prior to a scheduled interview promoting the new season of her reality show, L.A. Ink. Reports differ as to why Kat took offense, but it seems to be the fact that Kat’s planned introduction included the news of her breakup from Jesse James. Good Day L.A. claims it got the go-ahead to ask about the breakup during their interview with Kat, but Kat claims she asked them not to open with that breakup and that they ignored her. She didn’t like that and marched off in a huff.

Kat Von D says she had a DAMN good reason for walking off “Good Day L.A.” this morning — telling TMZ, she made one reasonable request … and producers repeatedly BLEW HER OFF.

Kat tells us, she agreed to answer a question about her breakup from Jesse James on one condition — that the anchor didn’t mention the split in his introduction.

But according to Kat, that request was IGNORED — and as we previously reported, anchor Jeff Michael read out an introduction that highlighted Kat and Jesse’s breakup.

Kat says she saw what was on the teleprompter long before Jeff read it — and even pulled a producer aside to have someone change the script … but nothing happened.

According to Kat, she “very politely” informed them … if it wasn’t changed, she wouldn’t be able to go on. But no one changed squat, so Kat beat it.

Later, during the show, the executive producer went on the air — explaining Kat’s only prior request was not to bring up Sandra Bullock or Michelle McGee … a request “Good Day” honored.

Nevertheless, Kat adds, “I have no interest in going back on, but I wish them all the best.”

[From TMZ]

Kat and Good Day L.A. host Jillian Barberie then got into it over Twitter, with Kat calling the show “disrespectful.” You can read those details on People if you’re interested. Entertainment Tonight has video of Good Day L.A. anchors discussing the walk off. I really like what anchor Jillian Barberie said about Kat leaving like that. She said “You live a public life and were promoting your reality show, which includes him. We sympathize that you broke up, but of course we were going to ask about it. That’s the clip that you sent us.”

Kat later posted a long entry on Facebook in which she didn’t apologize for walking off the set, but seemed to say that she was overwhelmed and didn’t handle everything well. She wrote “this isn’t an apology for walking out on a silly morning show interview this morning- and this isn’t an attempt at justifying anything either. I don’t expect people to understand, just like I can’t expect myself to be able to please everyone at all times.” It was a lot of feeling sorry for herself. Again, she’s promoting a reality show based on her life and she needs to be able to answer questions or just say she’s not comfortable with them. Leaving like that only makes her look petty. She should have known what she was getting into with Jesse anyway, but maybe she thought she could “change” him or that he was different. Now she’s so disappointed and can’t stand it that people are focusing on her breakup.


Kat is shown on 7/16/11. Credit: WENN.com

