Brad Pitt looks gaunt in new photos: just how much weight has he lost?

When Brad Pitt went on his promotional tour for Allied late last year, many of us noted that Brad seemed to be de-bloated. Or something. To be fair, I never really thought Brad looked bloated in the first place. He always seemed like the kind of guy who had great genes and a naturally slim

The fan event for Paramount Pictures' 'Allied'

When Brad Pitt went on his promotional tour for Allied late last year, many of us noted that Brad seemed to be… de-bloated. Or something. To be fair, I never really thought Brad looked “bloated” in the first place. He always seemed like the kind of guy who had great genes and a naturally slim build. But he noticeably lost some weight – especially off his face – in the months following The Plane Incident, and Angelina Jolie’s sudden divorce filing. Many of us attributed the weight loss to Brad’s possible detox, as in… he probably wasn’t drinking anymore, or he was drinking a lot less. All of the reporting in the past few months has emphasized Brad’s new “clean living” outlook too. So… just how clean is he living? Because Brad Pitt looks really, really thin these days. The Daily Mail got their hands on some photos of Brad looking “gaunt” (their words).

Gaunt Brad Pitt looks a shadow of his former self in shock new pictures

— Daily Mail Celebrity (@DailyMailCeleb) March 30, 2017

Again, he was always slim. But it feels like the weight loss off his face is what is so striking. His face DOES look gaunt. My first reaction was, “Wow, he sort of looks like Billy Bob Thornton now.” Maybe that’s what Angelina always saw in him???

Speaking of Jolie… I still have questions about whether Brad and Angelina are actually getting along and talking these days. I think Team Brad wants us to think that they’re in a better place. Team Angelina isn’t saying much though.

And finally, a new trailer for War Machine was released this week. I actually think this looks good. I’m glad they didn’t do a flat-out bio-pic of Stanley McChrystal, which was what the original story was going to be. Slightly NSFW because of language.

Spainish Premiere of 'Allied' at cinema Callao of Madrid

Photos courtesy of WENN.

