Mary Kay Letourneau, the statutory raping Seattle-area (former) teacher, has found a way to make some extra cash. Letourneau, who served seven years in prison after her 1997 conviction for raping 13-year-old student Vili Fualaau, later married him. He’s now 26 (she’s 47) and they have two daughters together. So what’s Letourneau doing for cash? Hosting a “Hot for Teacher” themed night at a downtown Seattle club. And Fualaau – never one to just sit back while Letourneau gets all the attention (he wrote a book about their relationship that was only published in France and poorly received) – will also be joining the event, working as the D.J.
Mary Kay LeTourneau, who was imprisoned as a 34-year-old teacher for raping a sixth-grade student, will host a “Hot for Teacher” night this weekend at a Seattle bar, KOMO-TV and the Associated Press report.
KOMO reports that Mike Morris, owner of the Fuel Sports Eats & Beats bar, says the event “is all in fun, and he hopes people take it in the right spirit.”
LeTourneau, now 47, later married the student, Vili Fualaau, now 26, after serving 7 1/2 years in prison. Fualaau will also be at bar, working as the D.J. for the Top 40 event.
“It’s turned into sort of a love story,” says Morris. “I realize it had a sick twist at the beginning, but they’re both adults now. They’re both married by the state of Washington. So, it’s just go and have fun on a Saturday night — and if people are looking to have some fun, just come check us out.”
Morris tells KOMO that this is actually the third time that the pair, who have two children together, have hosted the event, but the first two times were kept low-key.
The couple first met when Fualaau was in the second grade. Their relationship became sexual when he was 12 and she was a married mother of four, the AP says. LeTourneau was released from prison in August 2004.
[From USA Today]
Call me uptight, but I don’t think there’s anything funny or darkly humorous about exploiting your sex offender status and child-raping infamy for cash. Or for more infamy, which, given LeTourneau’s bizarre mental health issues, is probably just as big a factor. I lived in Seattle until three years ago, and she loved to pop up in the news here and there. Nothing as overtly salacious as “Hot for Teacher” night though. According to TMZ, the whole concept was Fualaau’s idea.
I’m surprised it took the bar two events to realize they could milk this thing for more attention. And I’m sure they’ll get it – it’s Seattle after all, it’s not brimming with celebrities, lowbrow or otherwise. Bill Gates doesn’t party it up like you’d think. LeTourneau is quite the oddity and the public still has a bit of a fascination with her. I think it’s disgusting, but I’d have a hard time not going, just to see what I’m guessing will be quite the spectacle. Luckily the event is over 21-only – so we can at least rest assured LeTourneau probably won’t be a danger to any of the guests.
Thanks to Evil Beet for the lead.
