Kelly Osbourne got shock orange color hair: better than the purple?

Kelly Osbourne must have felt left out on VMAs night. Im trying to figure out the last time she attended and that was 2in 015 I believe. I doubt she got invited this year. Also, Kellys brother Jack and his wife, Lisa, just announced that theyre expecting a third child, so Kelly likely needed some

Kelly Osbourne must have felt left out on VMAs night. I’m trying to figure out the last time she attended and that was 2in 015 I believe. I doubt she got invited this year. Also, Kelly’s brother Jack and his wife, Lisa, just announced that they’re expecting a third child, so Kelly likely needed some attention. Here she is premiering her very bright orange hair. You can compare this photo and video (below) to the picture of her hair shaved on the sides a couple of weeks ago. Of course it’s possible that her hair has grown, but given the timeline I think the bright color is just making it look like she has more hair on the sides. That’s about the only good thing I can say about this.

Kelly before (the top was like a lilac stripe and there are more pics below):

I’m not one of those people who thinks funky hair color has an age limit and should only be worn by younger women (I mean Kelly is 32 so that’s younger to me.) I’ve seen older women rocking purple hair or bright red hair, especially in Europe, and usually they do it well. Kelly’s mom, Sharon, looks good in very dark red, but that’s not shock orange, it’s a darker color. Maybe Kelly should talk to her mom about how to possibly fix this. She doesn’t care though, she loves it because it make people stare and talk about her.

Also I just remembered, Kelly was sued by her former colorist, a woman who had an affair with Kelly’s dad, Ozzy. Kelly tweeted the colorist’s phone number with a juvenile “for a good time” message and then refused to remove it when asked. She settled with the woman last fall but the damage was done and she had to break up with her colorist. So she obviously found a new one who is obviously a) incompetent b) sycophantic or c) both. I know my colorist would talk me out of this or try to counsel me to figure out if I just went through a breakup or was otherwise having personal problems. Obviously you have to know your clients and Kelly is a risk-taker but a good hairdresser would talk her into a compromise at least. Oh well, I guess I should be happy that she looks as ridiculous as she is.

Let’s enjoy this video of Kelly’s fluffy dog eating a puppachino from Starbucks. I didn’t know this was a thing but I have taken my mom’s dog for a pup cup at the local ice cream shop. It’s adorable watching how excited they get. I imagine Polly would look much more into this if the video was in normal speed.


