Celebrity Wife Swap Recap Special Bachelor Edition: Season 4 Episode 9 Sean Lowe/Jason Mesnick Swap

Tonight on ABC Celebrity Wife Swap returns again with an all new Wednesday July 29 season 4 Episode 9. On tonights episode, Sean Lowe and Jason Mesnick swap places. On the last episode, Cloris Leachman and Pia Zadora will be swapping places, Cloris Leachman is an American actress of stage, film, and television. She has

Celebrity Wife Swap Recap Special Bachelor Edition: Season 4 Episode 9 Sean Lowe/Jason Mesnick Swap Lives

Tonight on ABC Celebrity Wife Swap returns again with an all new Wednesday July 29 season 4 Episode 9. On tonight’s episode, Sean Lowe and Jason Mesnick swap places.

On the last episode, Cloris Leachman and Pia Zadora will be swapping places, Cloris Leachman is an American actress of stage, film, and television. She has won eight Primetime Emmy Awards and one Daytime Emmy Award. is an American actress and singer. After working as a child actress on Broadway, in regional theater, and in the film Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. She came to national attention in 1981 when, following her starring role in the highly criticized Butterfly, she won a Golden Globe Award as New Star of the Year. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the ABC synopsis “the wives of Sean Lowe and Jason Mesnick, former cast members on “The Bachelor,” swap places. Sean’s wife leaves behind her life as a full-time homemaker in Dallas and heads to Seattle, where she takes on Jason’s wife’s job as a morning radio-show host.”

We will be covering tonight’s Celebrity Wife Swap, season 4 episode 9. You don’t want to miss this episode; you never know what craziness is going to break out! Don’t forget to come back to this spot at 8PM for our coverage of the episode.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#CelebWifeSwap has two hunks formerly on The Bachelor. It’s Sean Lowe and Jason Mesnick. Sean Lowe was from Season 17 and he met his wife Catherine Lowe. They’ve been together 2 ½ years. Catherine moved from Seattle to Dallas after they met on the show. They have two dogs, no kids. She wants five kids and he wants many less. They are both religious and do bible study with other couples.

Sean works in oil and gas and is the sole breadwinner. She keeps the house and cooks. He was a fitness model before he was on The Bachelor. He says he has zero complaints as a husband and wonders who the new wife will be. Jason Mesnick is married to Molly and they met on The Bachelor also. He didn’t pick her on the show, though. He dumped the girl he picked at the finale and told her at the reunion.

They have been married five years, live outside Seattle and have a 2 ½ year old daughter Riley plus his son Tyler who’s 10 from before. He’s a real estate broker and she co-hosts a morning radio show. This means she gets up at 4 am and Jason takes care of their daughter every morning. She says she does kids, schedules, and work. He says she works and is the glue of the family.

Jason says they try to find time to keep the spark in their marriage. They talk about how it’s go, go, go all day long and Jason says the new wife will need her energy. The moms pack up to swap lives. They say their goodbyes and head off. Jason says no one can fill Molly’s shoes and Sean says he doesn’t want a new wife. They head out – to Dallas and Seattle.

Molly says Dallas is hot and Catherine is happy to be back in Seattle where she’s originally from. They each arrive to check out the home before they meet the new husband. Molly says the new house is fancy. Catherine says it’s a lot like their house. Molly spots dog poo and says she doesn’t like dogs. Catherine sees kid stuff and says she has no clue.

Molly checks out the large closet and Catherine looks at all the baking stuff she has no clue about. She also can’t get past the baby gate for a few minutes. Then Molly sees that it’s Sean and Catherine – she was at their wedding. Catherine finds the nursery and sees she’s at the Mesnick house. She says she knows them. They sit down to read the manuals the wives left.

Now it’s time to meet the husbands. Sean is happy to see Molly who tells him Catherine will be playing mom. He says he wants to play flag football while she makes a simple salad with turkey while he’s out. Molly says it’s old school with Sean while she and Jason share responsibilities. Sean smiles to see Catherine at his house. She says getting up at 4 is crazy and plus a baby.

She asks to hold Riley who starts crying and kicking. Later it’s bedtime and the baby cries. Jason does some work while Catherine bakes then heads to bed early. She says Molly and Jason are way too busy and says she and her hubby do everything together. Day two starts early for Catherine who is up at 4 to work on the morning radio show. She heads in tired and her co-host asks if she has anything ready.

Catherine says she has nothing and he says they’re going on in a second. Jason gets Riley ready for her day. Down in Dallas, Sean works out while Molly sleeps in and then he gets ready for work. He says he made her a to-do list. She asks if he leaves Catherine a list and he says usually. He says everything should be done when he gets home. He says to take the dogs to the park and bathe them.

Molly is appalled that he wants her to iron his socks. Jason Derulo is on the show and Catherine asks if he’s dating someone. He says yeah and the whole nine. She’s trying to wing it and says Molly has a fun job. She thinks she could be a radio host. The co-host says she did a godo job but then he says he can’t wait for Molly to be back.

Molly takes the dogs to the dog park and says she’s not really a dog person. One of their dog’s lies down in the mud. Molly thinks it’s strange that Catherine does all this. Jason’s mom comes to watch Riley who throws a fit. Catherine and Jason head out for a lunch. Sean and Molly head out after work to have dinner with his family. She asks how many kids will fit in his Porsche and he says a couple.

They head to his family and Molly thinks there’s too much of his life and not enough of Catherine’s. Sean says he loves his mom’s cooking and Molly asks how often they get together. They ask Molly about kids and Sean says he can have kids when he’s 80 and can wait. They ask Molly about Sean who says he doesn’t do much. His family laughs and she says he’s had it pretty easy.

Sean is nervous about the rule change since he likes things his way and Molly says she hopes Sean gives her a rose after this. Jason and Catherine go kayaking and she likes that and says it’s so Seattle. He asks what they would do on a date night and she says the same restaurant or a picnic in the backyard she cooks. Catherine is tired and says there’s a lot to talk about and will see what Jason says.

Next day is the rule change. Molly thinks that Sean needs to stop living a self-centric life. She tells him he’s a husband not the bachelor. She says Catherine came to start a life as a couple but he’s living his life. Sean thinks she misinterpreted his life. She says he needs to stop being the leader and make decisions as a couple. Catherine tells Jason she will be at home while he works.

Molly says Sean has to trade in his car. He says the Panamera is his baby and she says they need a car to fit a baby. She says Jason needs to look like a professional man and needs some manscaping. Molly says he needs to get out of his routine and do new things with Catherine. He says they know what they like and Molly says Catherine needs to see more of Dallas.

Catherine says grandma needs to have more time with Riley that’s not just about her leaving so it can be better. Jason really likes that idea. Sean doesn’t like the new rules at all. Catherine, Jason and Riley go to the park with Jason’s mom. Catherine says that she thinks Riley associated her with Jason and Molly leaving and wants her to see Grandma is not just a sitter.

His mom thanks Catherine for this and Jason says they need to make time to do this and says it’s good for all of them. Molly takes Sean to get a more kid-friendly vehicle. She asks where the stroller and other kid stuff will go. They park the car and get into a mini-van. She says there is room for the dogs and kids and says he’ll love this. Sean says the min-van will tarnish his cool image. He says it sucks.

Catherine takes Jason to get waxed while Grandma hangs with Riley. She tells him Sean shaves his chest and Jason says he doesn’t get what this has to do with being the breadwinner. The waxer talks about doing his junk and he says no way. Molly has Sean treating the dogs like kids to try out being a parent. She has him dress the dogs. She has him put dog car seats into the mini-van. He’s frustrated.

He says being a parent is a lot more work for him. Catherine makes eggs for Jason who is dressed nice. He says he usually eats breakfast in the car while he listens to his wife on the radio. He says Molly loves her job and wouldn’t like to stay at home. Molly takes Sean out to a new restaurant and says it can be a different date night. She thinks they are in a bubble.

They are at a place where you eat with your hand. He likes the food and isn’t even upset that he slopped on himself. She says maybe take Catherine out to do something new. She thinks that Sean doesn’t know how much Catherine needs to get out and it be less about Sean. Catherine stays home to play with Riley while Jason shows a Seattle hoops player a nice house.

On the last night, Molly shows Sean the manual that Catherine left her and reads him some sections. She reads that they live in a bubble and go the same places and see the same people. Sean says he’s failing as a husband but Molly says that’s not what it is – she says he just needs to open his eyes a little bit and he says he needs to make Dallas feel like home for her.

Jason comes home to find a home cooked meal Catherine made. She says Riley is already in bed and Jason is sad that he missed bedtime. He says he and Molly don’t get a lot of down time together. He says Molly would like to slow down but says she’s happy working. Catherine says maybe they can do it one day a week. Molly takes Sean to a honky tonk to dance.

She hopes that Catherine will see a different side of Sean and will get to see more of Dallas. Sean says Molly showed him he would be a better person if he took Catherine out more. Catherine says it was fun but hard to be the one in charge. Molly says she hopes she helped out Sean and Catherine. The couples go to see each other. They hug and say hi then sit down to talk.

The couples are happy to see each other. Molly says Sean was very picky and a fit eater. Jason laughs. Sean says it’s about nutrition not enjoying the meal. Catherine says Molly’s life is exhausting. She says she made Jason more clean cut and looking good. Jason says he now looks different shirtless. Molly laughs that he got waxed and he says it was a mean trick.

Molly says Sean always goes the same places so they went out for Ethiopian and he liked it and even got food on himself. Catherine gets upset that he ate something new without her and wants to have all the firsts with him. She says they’re about to meet Wrath-erine. Sean blames Molly who says she was in her exact same position and left her family when she came to Seattle.

Catherine says she’s lived under him and has had no independence. Sean doesn’t like to hear that. Molly says it can be scary and says they need to get out and do something different. She tells Catherine she let him read her household manual so he could have some insight. Sean says he doesn’t want her to feel trapped and he wants her to explore and do new things.

Catherine says the schedule is very busy and grandma is stuck as sitter and it upsets Riley. Jason says this is the best rule so far and says it was great that his mom heard that. Molly says that was great and they need to see his mom more. Molly says she remembers how nice it was to have alone time and being in Catherine’s house reminded her. Jason says Catherine will be a great mom.

They all agree they learned something from this and have friends for life. They all hug it out and head out. At home Riley is happy to see her mom and says she’s thrilled he waxed his chest. Sean says he likes their old way. Six weeks later, Molly is back at work happy and Grandma is a more regular visitor and Jason’s chest hear grew back in. Catherine and Sean are trying new places now.



